
How partnership works

1) Sell directly to American tourists

Sell cases directly to the consumer. After the sale, hang on to the cases — we’ll pick up all cases sold to Vinluxa members during a single season in one trip to your cellar.

2) We file import paperwork

We’ll file all the necessary paperwork to bring the wine into the United States.

3) Pickup & payment

Receive payment when the cases are picked up in one convenient trip to your cellar.

Producer partner benefits

Drive tourism to your tasting room

Your pin on Vinluxa’s Producer Map puts your wine on the American consumer’s radar.

Full control over price and inventory

You set your prices, discounts, and manage your own inventory.

Reach an untapped market

Americans traveling abroad can rarely purchase an entire case of wine… until now. Create new sales where a sale has never existed before.

Ready to learn more about becoming a
Vinluxa partner?

Please fill out this form and we'll reach out to you with more information.